naked peopleAs you may have noted, I like to include some kind of image with my blog posts.  I really enjoy searching and finding an image that tickles my fancy.

For some reason, Yahoo wants to tickle more than my fancy when I do an image search.

When I do a Google image search, I get lots of pertinent and appropriate choices.

When I do a Yahoo picture search, I get some pertinent and appropriate choices.

And a butt load (sometimes literally) of porn.


Why does Yahoo provide tons of porn when you do a search that includes the key words “old lady”?  The ladies shown do not appear to be particularly old; although, one sincerely hopes they are at least 18 years of age.

Google knows what I mean when I say “old lady”.

I’m not offended, so much as bewildered.

I know what a penis looks like.  I know what a vagina and labia look like.  I even know what it looks like when you put the two together.  I just have no need or desire to see it.

My husband suggests I set Yahoo for a “safe” search; but since I am not doing searches that include iffy key words, I don’t think I should have to.

I suppose some people consider this kind of service by Yahoo a plus.

But if I want to look at porn, let me do a porn-y search, okay?  I don’t need Yahoo’s help in that area.

So, Yahoo if you want to compete with Google, you need to clean up your act (literally).

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